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Track Your Turn

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | July 28, 2021 |
Jo Ilfeld |Executive Leadership Coach |Track Your Turn

Are you taking up more oxygen in the room than others or are you barely contributing to meetings, such that people are wondering why you’re there. An important aspect of emotional intelligence (EQ) is relationship management. Often this means making sure that there is time and space for everyone to get their opinion and thoughts…

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What Are People Really Saying?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | May 14, 2021 |
Jo Ilfeld |Executive Leadership Coach|What are people really saying? Improve your emotional intelligence

Do you ever wonder if what people are saying is what they really mean? The truth is that about 90% of our communication is non-verbal so it’s not the words we say but our actions and body language and our tone of voice. Build up your emotional intelligence (EQ) by learning to read the room.…

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