Personal Change

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Change is Possible. But Not in the Way You Think.

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 12, 2024 |

People don’t change, right? They are who they are. Over the years, I have heard these words so many times from my clients and it immediately sends me into disproving mode —  I am a coach, right? I spend my days finding evidence contrary to that statement. People DO change. People change their habits. People…

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Do You Overcomplicate Things?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | May 22, 2024 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, CEO of Incite to Leadership on overcomplicating things the images shows six post-its with chalk lines scribbled between all of them.

An edited version of this article appeared in Forbes Coaches Council Do you overcomplicate things? During a recent strategy session with a client, his mind spiraled the minute a strategy was mentioned. His thoughts went into overdrive, trying to formulate a complete plan ready to execute. This led to his next realization that he would…

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Please, No More Imposter Syndrome 

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | February 21, 2024 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on imposter syndrome the image shows a man holding a fake mustache to his lip and wearing dark sunglasses.

Do you feel like you are an imposter? Probably, because I hear it often in my executive coaching practice. It’s common for my leadership clients to question their abilities and describe themselves as feeling like imposters in their roles. But did you know that the term ‘imposter syndrome’ is a pet peeve of mine? I…

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ONE Thing You Should Know When Making a Choice

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | January 16, 2024 |

In a recent conversation with fellow executive coaches and consultants about decision-making criteria, someone shared a gem that I had to share. They said: “The experience of moving forward matters more than the choice.” This wise statement made me stop and say, “OMG, I HAVE to write that down!” For those caught in decision-making loops,…

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Have You Done Your Personal SWOT Analysis for 2024?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | January 9, 2024 |

By now your function or group at work has probably finished its strategic plan and 2024 forecast. What about your own future? How far out are you thinking about your life, trends in your industry, and what might be around the corner? The Institute For The Future found that more than a quarter of Americans say that they rarely…

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Comfort Zone or Stretch Choice

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | September 12, 2023 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on stretch choice the image shows a chalk drawing of footprints stepping outside of a circle

Have you ever wondered if having more choices can sometimes lead to worse decisions? I came across two really interesting pieces of data recently, one of which I came across during parent orientation for my son’s college he’s attending in the Fall. Research shows that when it comes to choosing roommates or work arrangements, making…

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Forget Resilience – Look for Anti-Fragility

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 22, 2023 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on resilience the image shows a tiny shoot growing up between cracks in the concrete.

Here’s a new take on resilience.  Credit to Stephanie Mehta for this one, who inspired this learning snack with her recent talk at the California Conference for Women.  In the scientific field, resilience means when something gets pushed or changed, the material bounces back to what it was.  In other words, resilience is when something…

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