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It’s NOT All About the Money

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | July 25, 2024 |

If someone is getting paid for a job, shouldn’t they want to do what you’re requesting? I often hear from clients, “I’m paying them to do this job. Why do I need to be nice to them? Why do I need to figure out what motivates them?” Here’s the reality: Most people, probably including yourself,…

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Stepping Up: 3 Tools for Navigating New Challenges

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | July 24, 2024 |

This article was first shared in Forbes. Recently one of my former clients, Rena, contacted me both excited and pensive. She had just been offered a big new senior role and she wanted my help to “hit the ground running without being intimidated.” Rena is not alone. Many of my clients are also undertaking big…

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Strengths Analysis: A Key Question You Are Missing

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | April 17, 2024 |

When analyzing your strengths, what’s one question you probably don’t ask yourself? It’s common to assess our strengths and weaknesses through tools like a SWOT analysis. I often do my own for myself and my business at the end of the year. However, amidst this process, there’s one crucial question often overlooked: How do we…

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Why Is Change So Emotional?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | April 10, 2024 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on on why change is emotional the image a yellow painted wall being painted over with an orange roller.

In the midst of organizational change, ever wondered why rationality often takes a back seat? Recently, I was talking with a client about a big change effort that she and her team are immersed in.  We were exploring why individuals weren’t embracing the transition logically. The conclusion we came to is that change invariably carries an emotional component, whether it promises improvement or upheaval. Even if the change is for…

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Start Strong: Your First 30 Days In A New Job

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | March 20, 2024 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on starting strong in a new job the image shows an empty road with the words start on it.

“I got the job!” is a frequent text I get from clients – who calls these days? My clients are high performers and they want to aim even higher. New jobs and roles are an occupational hazard for many successful leaders. It’s hard to keep moving up unless you’re willing to take on new challenges,…

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Proving Your Worth. Ignore That Voice In Your Head.

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | March 13, 2024 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on proving your worth the image shows a young male holding out his hands to signify stop

Entering a new role comes with its share of challenges, particularly the pressure of “proving your worth.” As an executive leadership coach, I often hear from my clients who are starting a new role they feel pressure to rush in and make sweeping changes. But I strongly caution against doing that. Ignore that voice in…

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Feedback is a Gift. But Is It One You Want? 

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | January 23, 2024 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on feedback as a gift the image shows a hand offering a drawing of a smiley face icon.

Feedback is a gift. But is it though? And is it the gift you wanted? I was facilitating a team training recently where we discussed this concept and someone came up with an analogy that I had to share. Imagine feedback as a present. Some presents are a perfect fit, it’s the gift you were…

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