Pay It Forward: The Hidden Value of Accepting Help

Do you hesitate when accepting help at work because you fear being indebted to someone?
Don’t worry, most of us feel that way. Recently, I was attending one of my colleague groups where we discussed the issue of accepting help, and how reluctant we are to accept it because we’re not sure what the giver will ask for in return.
One wise colleague turned this on its head. Instead of feeling you owe this same person a favor, think of it as owing a favor to someone else, which you have more control over how and what that looks like.
Seen from this perspective, it creates a cycle of generosity, in which you now have the opportunity to assist others in the future.
The next time someone offers you help, think beyond the immediate favor. Ask yourself: “How might accepting this help deepen my relationships at work or create new opportunities?” By saying yes, you’re opening the door to trust and connection, and you’ll have a chance to pay it forward when someone else needs it.
Read More: What Would It Take To Ask for Help?