Shifting The Way You Work In A Coronavirus World – A Panel Discussion


I was so thrilled to be joined this morning by two amazing colleagues. We hosted a panel discussion on how to change the way you work during this time of the Coronavirus pandemic.

We covered three main areas of that we’ve found are crucial to consider as you transition your working world from the office to remote:

  • How To Set-Up An Effective Communication Strategy during these shifting times, for leaders and when you need to manage up
  • Suggestions for Creating New Ground Rules/Agreements with your work team. . . And your home team
  • How To Provide For Your Social Self – And Sanity – even while practicing physical distancing

We also answered participant questions and shared insights on:

  • How executives can stay in touch with more junior staff when you can’t walk around and chat with them
  • How to adapt some of the water cooler talk we enjoy at the office to the virtual world
  • How to make sure you’re not burning the candle on both ends between kids at home, work commitments and cabin fever
  • How to deal with that age-old problem of everyone talking over each other during conference calls 
  • How to implement weekly “after-action reviews” so you and your co-workers can continue to refine and improve how you’re working together
  • And more!

We hope you enjoy watching it and take away as many great insights as we did!

Jo Ilfeld, PhD

An executive leadership coach, Jo helps C-suite leaders, executives, and high-potential managers develop the flexibility, skill, and frame of mind to meet the challenges of the next five, ten, twenty years…. and beyond. She works with individuals, teams and organizations on four core areas of leadership development. Check out Jo's bio page for more information.


  1. […] was able to conduct and record a live panel with two of my colleagues on how to shift your work in a Coronavirus world. We had an awesome live turnout and now the call is posted on my blog for anyone who missed it the […]

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