If You Get Anxious Right before a Meeting Try This

I recently read Charles Duhigg’s new book, Supercommunicators. Being a fan of his work, I wanted to share an insightful tip he mentioned in an HBR article about what you can do if you get anxious right before a meeting.
If you have a meeting with someone that you’re excited about, anxious about, or nervous about, jot down a few topics or questions beforehand.
Research shows that when people are anxious before a meeting, writing down potential discussion points the meetings tend to go a lot better. They’re a lot less anxious. They might never even look at or revisit the topics that they jotted down on that piece of paper, but that gives them a feeling of security that they have those back pocket questions.
This technique is also effective for networking events or meetings with unfamiliar faces. Having a few engaging questions ready can make conversations flow more smoothly and reduce your anxiety before a meeting.
Try this tip next time you feel anxious before a meeting. It can make a noticeable difference in your comfort and confidence levels, leading to more successful interactions.
Read more: How Can You Improve Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?