Upcoming Classes & Workshops
Tired of listening to free webinars that take up sooo much of your time? Worst of all, you end up NOT even getting the advice you were looking forward to.
Then this is for you: Quick Shots, The 30 minute TeleSummit Series jam packed with VALUE- Step by Step Strategy you can immediately apply to your Business and Life.
My brilliant friend, Italina, came up with this revolutionary idea of short calls with not 1, but 3 Guest Experts covering 3 Different Topics: Business, Health & Wellness, and Love & Relationships. So you’ll get the advice you’re looking for without a huge time commitment.
And I’ll be on it Friday February 21st at noon! So catch my 10 minutes of brilliance along with 2 other “I’m sure to be fabulous” experts.
You can only catch this Telesummit Series 1st and 3rd Fridays at 12p (Noon)
>> See the Guest Experts & Register HERE!