How to lead a productive online meeting that doesn’t suck

Jo Ilfeld |Executive Leadership Coach|How to Lead a Productive Online Meeting That Doesn’t Suck

When a lot of us shifted to working from home arrangements, there was a certain novelty in the whole setup. We could put on a nice top and keep our pajamas on, join zoom calls, and eat lunch whenever we wanted. But the change-up in our work from home arrangements is unlikely to come soon; in fact, many of us may be zooming from home for some more months and even the better part of 2021, too. If that’s the case, then it’s time to revamp the approach to productive (or lack thereof) meetings that you hold online.

Here are five ground rules to set during online meetings that can significantly increase attendee’s engagement.

Jo Ilfeld, PhD

An executive leadership coach, Jo helps C-suite leaders, executives, and high-potential managers develop the flexibility, skill, and frame of mind to meet the challenges of the next five, ten, twenty years…. and beyond. She works with individuals, teams and organizations on four core areas of leadership development. Check out Jo's bio page for more information.

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