How to Be a Great Referral Source

Do you consider yourself to be a good referral source?
After I received a great referral from someone recently, it made me reflect on how people appreciate connectors; the ones who know the things that we need, people who are the referral source for us, who reach all the best people.
Finding the right recommendation or referral can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.
I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of connecting people with the resources they need.
Whether it’s recommending a resume writer or sharing a favorite vegan cooking website, being a trusted referral source can make all the difference.
This holiday season, as you exchange greetings and well-wishes with loved ones, take a moment to reflect on the individuals in your network who you can count on for referrals.
By keeping track of these valuable connections, you’ll not only streamline your own search process but also cultivate a reputation as a helpful connector in your community.
Wishing you a joyful and prosperous end to 2023!
Here’s more on being a connector, not just a networker.