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Are You Getting An Outside Perspective?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | September 15, 2022 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on outside perspective, the image shows a woman looking through a camera lens.

Getting an outside perspective can make all the difference. If you ever experienced some kind of breakdown, whether at work or in your personal life, what was the turning point for you? In one of my monthly meetings with other colleagues, a brilliant friend stated that the turning point for all the stories of breakdowns…

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Are You Missing The Obvious?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | August 4, 2022 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on decision-making, the image shows an image of two arrows facing opposite directions.

Recently I had the joy of spending some time on Cape Cod with my daughter, who was about to go to camp, and one of my oldest and best friends. While my daughter was plugged into her earbuds, my friend and I had a lot of time to talk as we drove around the Cape.…

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Work Relationships: Being Proactive

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 30, 2022 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on work relationships, the image shows a woman sitting at a desk with her head in her hands.

Work relationships are something that as a leader or team member you always need to be working on. Recently, I was talking with a client who described a problem he had with one team member because he would never know how upset she was until she would lose it. We talked about how he can…

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Relationship Building in Virtual Meetings

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | April 13, 2022 |
For this article by Jo Ilfeld, Executive Leadership Coach on relationship building virtually the image shows a woman smiling and waving at a laptop.

Relationship building in a virtual setting is not always easy. What are some ways to improve relationship building virtually? Firstly, no one wants another Zoom happy hour, I can assure you. But how can you build relationships between team members who have never met in real life? More importantly, how can you build relationship building…

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Get Specific About Gratitude

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | December 15, 2021 |
Jo Ilfeld | Executive Leadership Coach | Getting Specific About Gratitude

The holidays are a good time to express gratitude but, to be honest, so is January and February, or any time of the year.  What are you doing to acknowledge the accomplishments of the people who work for you? Try to get as specific as you can as it adds a new level of recognition…

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How to be Compassionately Persistent

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | November 24, 2021 |
Jo Ilfeld | Executive Leadership Coach | How to be Compassionately Persistent

Is it possible to get your needs met and be compassionate at the same time? Yes, you can and in this video below, I share how a good friend of mine helped me make that realization. I would love to hear your thoughts. What are your suggestions for being persistent in getting your needs met…

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Amplify Voices on Your Team

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | October 21, 2021 |
Jo Ilfeld | Emotional Intelligence | Executive Leadership Coach |Amplify Voices on Your Team

Have you ever been in a meeting where you said something that you thought was really brilliant and no one really seemed to notice and then a few minutes later, someone else said something remarkably similar and everyone piled onto it? That can be pretty frustrating, right? Believe it or not, I’ve heard more stories…

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Track Your Turn

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | July 28, 2021 |
Jo Ilfeld |Executive Leadership Coach |Track Your Turn

Are you taking up more oxygen in the room than others or are you barely contributing to meetings, such that people are wondering why you’re there. An important aspect of emotional intelligence (EQ) is relationship management. Often this means making sure that there is time and space for everyone to get their opinion and thoughts…

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