Change Leadership

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Change: Why Not How

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 25, 2020 |
Jo Ilfeld | Executive Leadership Coach| Do people know the why behind your change

We are all witnessing huge calls for real change right now. For those that have already been working on change in your organization, it is important to stop and ask yourself the following: “Do your people know the why behind your change?” Watch this week’s learning snack on why your WHY is more important than…

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I Need Change, Do You?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 8, 2020 |

When I look around right now, when I talk to clients, when I read the newspaper, I see this gnarly blend of creation and frustration. If necessity is the mother of invention then I truly hope we are poised to see new ideas and innovation we never dreamed possible. We truly need it! We need…

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